Back & Forth

Valentijn Muijrers, a researcher, lecturer and programmer at HKU (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht) is making a game about stories. In his game you start as a passenger on a strange ferry with antique furniture. But somehow the ferry forces you to fulfill certain goals, like throwing paintings. Once you fulfill the goals, you continue to play as another passenger, with new goals. These new goals may or may not conflict with the goals of

De Pont: An Amsterdam Love Story

Who hasn't locked eyes with a complete stranger when traveling to or from work?! Saku Saisa made a game about just that, finding your tue love while waiting on the ferry. In the game you are one of passengers waiting on the ferry. You play as one of the passengers on the ferry. In the beginning you get to customise your character both visually and by choosing a set number of topics of interests your

DePontCaughtinBetween_Kors-Millenaar24 Nov 2015

De Pont: Caught in Between

Martijn Kors, Daniel Karavolos en Karel Millenaar are making a fascinating project which couldn't be any more relevant! De Pont, Caught in the Middle is a strategic game where the player must establish certain rules to decide who gets to cross the water and who doesn't. And IF you somebody was able to cross the water, is he allowed to stay there, or will he be sent back after a while. Kors, Karavolos and Millenaar