Participating is easy and free.
Please read this first
1. This not-for-profit film and game challenge is open to game and film professionals and students, animators, developers, designers, composers and storytellers.
2. The first requirement is that you create a game or an interactive story based on our predefined theme.
3. The 3D assets can be downloaded for free under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. By registering you accept this licence.
4. You can use the assets any way you like, modify them, or create and use your own.
5. You can take as long as you like to create your game. The first presentation of the results of De Pont will be at the Netherlands Film Festival. If you want to be part of this, your deadline is September 15th.
6. By participating, you grant us permission to use stills or clips from your edition of De Pont for a promotional (but not commercial) purposes.

It’s easy!
Ready to create your own edition of De Pont? Register now by downloading the 3D assets.
Complete the form and you’re good to go!
If you have any questions or queries, email us at
Connect with us and with other participants via Twitter @depontproject and Facebook

Share your work
We love to hear from you. Tell us about your game or story concept, share stills from your film or game in progress via Twitter, Facebook, or email us.
Once you’ve finished your story or game, we’d like to see it, play it, experience it, and showcase it on this website. Get in touch by email when you’re ready to go public with your edition.

See what others are doing
The results will be showcased here on this website in the Showcase section.
The best and most interesting editions of De Pont will be presented at various events and exhibitions in 2015 and 2016. If you have a project that is unfinished, we still might be able to include it in our presentations. So please keep us updated on the status of your production. In December we will present De Pont at EYE, Filmmuseum in Amsterdam.

Connect with other participants
We’re looking into ways to connect creators. If you are, for example, a game developer looking for a 3D modeler, an animator looking for a Unity developer, or a composer looking to collaborate, you can leave a message on our Facebook wall. On Twitter, we are @depontproject hashtag #depont.
Or feel free to email us for advise.